Contributing Guide#


Looking to fix a bug, suggest an improvement, or even add a new feature? You’re in the right place! We welcome all contributions, regardless of size or complexity.

This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. Creating a local copy of the repository

  2. Setting up your development environment

  3. Updating your local copy

  4. Creating a new branch

  5. Making your changes

  6. Testing your changes

  7. Submitting a pull request


Steps 1 and 2 only need to be done once, but starting from Step 3, you should repeat them for every new contribution.

For this guide, we assume you have a basic understanding of version control, Git, and GitHub. For a more in-depth look, consider the xarray Contributing Guide and its references.

1. Create a local copy of the repository#

To work on the code, start by creating your own fork. Visit the xeofs project page and click the ‘Fork’ button at the top. This action copies the code to your GitHub account.

Next, clone your fork to your computer:

git clone
cd xeofs
git remote add upstream

This command sequence creates a local directory named xeofs and links your version to the primary xeofs project.

2. Set up your development environment#

Using the commands below, prepare your environment:

conda create -n xeofs python=3.10 poetry
conda activate xeofs
poetry install --with dev,docs

This will install all necessary dependencies, including those for development and documentation. If you’re only updating the code (without modifying online documentation), you can skip the docs dependency:

poetry install --with dev

On the other hand, if you’re just updating documentation:

poetry install --with docs

Additionally, install the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

If you’ve completed Steps 1 and 2, you can move directly to Step 4.

3. Update your local copy#

Before diving into your contribution, ensure your local main branch is updated:

git checkout main
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main

This syncs your local main branch with the latest from the primary xeofs repository.

4. Create a new branch#

For your new contribution, initiate a separate branch. Ensure your branch name reflects the essence of your contribution:

git checkout -b my-new-feature

5. Make your changes#

After making your updates, remember to commit them:

git add .
git commit -m "concise commit message"


We use the `conventional commit`_ format for commit messages in xeofs. This format helps us automatically release new versions. Key points to note:

  • Use fix: prefix for bug fixes. This will trigger a patch release.

  • Use feat: prefix for new features. This will initiate a minor release.

6. Test your changes#

It’s essential to test any modifications to ensure compatibility with the existing code. Run the following test from the repository’s root directory:


If you introduce a new feature or function, please also add corresponding tests in the tests directory.

7. Submit a pull request#

Once satisfied with your changes, push them to your GitHub fork:

git push origin my-new-feature

Then, on your GitHub fork page, select “Compare & pull request” to initiate the pull request.