Key Features#

There are numerous advantages of using xeofs, including:

  • Multi-Dimensional: Designed for xarray objects, it applies dimensionality reduction to multi-dimensional data while maintaining data labels.

  • Dask-Integrated: Supports large datasets via Dask xarray objects

  • Extensive Methods: Offers various dimensionality reduction techniques

  • Adaptable Output: Provides output corresponding to the type of input, whether single or list of xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset

  • Missing Values: Handles NaN values within the data

  • Bootstrapping: Comes with a user-friendly interface for model evaluation using bootstrapping

  • Efficient: Ensures computational efficiency, particularly with large datasets through randomized SVD

  • Modular: Allows users to implement and incorporate new dimensionality reduction methods

Labeled & Multi-Dimensional#

xeofs is specifically designed for xarray objects. This design choice enables you to apply dimensionality reduction techniques to multi-dimensional data, while still maintaining data labels. The only requirement for the user is to specify the sample dimensions. By default, xeofs assumes any other dimensions present in the data as feature dimensions. For instance,, dim="time")

will assume that the data object has a sample dimension named time, while all other dimensions are feature dimensions to be expressed as latent variables.


In this context, sample refers to the dimension representing the number of observations. In contrast, feature dimensions denote the variables. The main goal of dimensionality reduction techniques is to minimize the number of feature dimensions without altering the sample dimensions.


Multiple sample dimensions can be specified as long as at least one feature dimension remains.

Dask Support#

If you handle large datasets that exceed memory capacity, xeofs is designed to work with dask-backed xarray objects from end-to-end. By default, xeofs computes models eagerly, which in some cases can lead to better performance. However, it is also possible to build and fit models “lazily”, meaning no computation will be carried out until the user calls .compute(). To enable lazy computation, specify compute=False when initializing the model.


Importantly, xeofs never loads the input dataset(s) into memory.

Lazy Evaluation#

There are a few tricks, and features that need to be explicitly disabled for lazy evaluation to work. First is the check_nans option, which skips checking for full or isolated NaNs in the data. In this case, the user is responsible for ensuring that the data is free of NaNs by first applying e.g. .dropna() or .fillna(). Second is that lazy mode is incompatible with assessing the fit of a rotator class during evaluation, becaue the entire dask task graph must be built up front. Therefore, a lazy rotator model will run out to the full max_iter regardless of the specified rtol. For that reason it is recommended to reduce the number of iterations.

As an example, the following lazily creates a rotated EOF model for an 80GB dataset in about a second, which can then be evaluated later using .compute().

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from xeofs.models import EOF, EOFRotator

data = xr.DataArray(
    da.random.random((10000, 1440, 720), chunks=(100, 100, 100)),
    dims=["time", "lon", "lat"],
        "time": xr.date_range("2000-01-01", periods=10000, freq="D"),
        "lon": np.linspace(-180, 180, 1440),
        "lat": np.linspace(-90, 90, 720),
model = EOF(n_modes=5, check_nans=False, compute=False), dim="time")

rotator = EOFRotator(compute=False, max_iter=20)

# Later, you can compute the model
# rotator.compute()

Available Methods#

As a multifaceted toolbox, xeofs aims to host a variety of dimensionality reduction and related decomposition techniques. Refer to the API Reference section to discover the methods currently available.


Please note that xeofs is in its developmental phase. If there’s a specific method you’d like to see included, we encourage you to open an issue on GitHub.

Model Serialization#

xeofs models offer convenient save() and load() methods for serializing fitted models to a portable format.

from xeofs.models import EOF

model = EOF(), dim="time")"my_model.zarr")

# Later, you can load the model
loaded_model = EOF.load("my_model.zarr")

Input Data Compatibility#

xeofs is tailored to function harmoniously with xarray objects. Currently, it supports:

  • Single instances of xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset

  • Lists comprising xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset

An intelligent feature of xeofs is its ability to deliver the appropriate output based on the input type. For instance, executing PCA on a singular xr.DataArray will yield a single xr.DataArray for the PC components. Conversely, if a list of xr.DataArray is inputted, xeofs will return a list of xr.DataArray as PC components.


A mixed list containing both xr.DataArray and xr.Dataset objects is not currently supported.


Some methods like PCA/EOF analysis can also handle complex-valued input data. However, due to a limitation in the underlying dask library, complex-valued data is not supported when using dask.

Handling Missing Values#

Conventional SVD algorithms aren’t typically configured to manage missing values. To address this, xeofs will take of missing values (NaN) within your data. There are two primary types of missing values:

  1. Full-dimensional: NaNs spanning all samples for a specific feature or vice versa.

  2. Isolated: Occasional or sporadic NaNs within the dataset.

Consider a 3D dataset with dimensions (time, lon, lat). A full-dimensional NaN might represent a grid point (lon, lat) exhibiting NaNs across all time steps. Conversely, an isolated NaN might indicate a grid point (lon, lat) displaying NaNs for only certain time steps.

xeofs is adept at handling full-dimensional NaNs. However, it cannot manage isolated NaNs, which requires the user to make a decision about how to fill or remove features or samples containing isolated NaNs. xeofs does provide an optional runtime check which will raise an error if isolated NaNs are detected, which is enabled by default.

Model Evaluation#

xeofs is dedicated to providing a user-friendly interface for model evaluations using bootstrapping. Currently, only bootstrapping for PCA/EOF analysis is supported (for a practical example, see 3 | Validation).

Computationally Efficient#

Regardless of whether you’re dealing with in-memory or out-of-memory data, xeofs ensures computational efficiency. This is achieved using randomized SVD which tends to be faster for large matrices than a full SVD. For more details you can refer to the sklearn documentation on PCA.

A comparative analysis demonstrates the performance of xeofs against eofs on a standard laptop using a 3D dataset with time, longitude, and latitude dimensions. Results indicate that xeofs computes moderate datasets (10,000 samples by 100,000 features) in under a minute. While eofs is faster for smaller datasets, xeofs excels with larger datasets, offering significant speed advantages. The dashed line marks data sets with about 3 MiB; xeofs outpaces eofs above this size, whereas eofs is preferable for smaller data sets.

Comparison of computational times between xeofs and eofs for data sets of varying sizes


You can find the script to run the performance tests here.

Implement Your Own Model#

The xeofs package has been designed with modularity in mind, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate new methods. For instance, if you’d like to introduce a new dimensionality reduction technique named MyModel, you can achieve this by inheriting the _BaseModel class and implementing its _fit_algorithm() method.

Here’s a detailed walkthrough on how to incorporate a new model:

1. Inherit the BaseModel#

Your new model should inherit from the _BaseModel class. This abstract base class enables the transformation of any ND xarray object into a 2D xarray.DataArray with dimensions (sample, feature) and back. Additionally, it grants access to handy parameters like n_modes, standardize, and use_coslat.

from xeofs.models._base_model import _BaseModel
from xeofs.models.decomposer import Decomposer

class MyModel(_BaseModel):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

2. Define the Fit Algorithm#

Your chosen method’s entire operation should be encapsulated within the _fit_algorithm(). This function is triggered by fit() and handles the model fitting. By this stage, xeofs has already processed essential preprocessing steps, ranging from centering and weighting to stacking and handling NaN values.

Here’s a basic PCA example to illustrate the process:

def _fit_algorithm(self, data):
    # NOTE: The `data` here is a 2D xarray.DataArray with dimensions (sample, feature).

    # We'll illustrate with a simplified PCA.
    # The goal is to perform an SVD on the `data` matrix.
    decomposer = Decomposer(n_modes=self.n_modes)

    # Extract the necessary components from the decomposer.
    scores = decomposer.U_
    components = decomposer.V_
    singular_values = decomposer.s_

    # Store the data for later access using the internal DataContainer class."my_singular_values", data=singular_values)"my_components", data=components)"my_scores", data=scores)

    # (Optional) Attach model parameters as attributes to your data.

3. Access the Results#

After fitting your model, results can be retrieved by creating a method for each data piece. The internal Preprocessor class can assist with this task, ensuring that the retrieved data retains the correct format.

Depending on their dimensions, data types are categorized into four groups:

  1. (sample, feature, …)

  2. (sample, …)

  3. (feature, …)

  4. (…)

The Preprocessor class offers methods corresponding to the first three data groups:

  • inverse_transform_data for (sample, feature, …)

  • inverse_transform_scores for (sample, …)

  • inverse_transform_components for (feature, …)

For group (4), data can be accessed directly since there’s no need for back transformation.

def my_singular_values(self):

def my_components(self):
    return self.preprocessor.inverse_transform_components("my_components")

def my_scores(self):
    return self.preprocessor.inverse_transform_scores("my_scores"))

4. Optional: Implement Transform and Inverse Transform Methods#

While it’s required to implement the transform and inverse_transform methods for a complete model, we’ll merely indicate their absence for this example.

def _transform_algorithm(self, data):
    raise NotImplementedError("This model does not support transform.")

def _inverse_transform_algorithm(self, scores):
    raise NotImplementedError("This model does not support inverse transform.")

5. Execute the Model#

With all parts in place, you can now initialize and use the new model:

model = MyModel(n_modes=3), dim="time")

Comparison With Other Packages#

xeofs stands among a suite of Python packages dedicated to dimensionality reduction. Its development has been influenced by other notable packages, each boasting unique and robust features. For instance, eofs, crafted by Andrew Dawson, is renowned for its compatibility with Dask and xarray, offering an intuitive EOF analysis interface with a 1D sample dimension. xMCA is another cherished tool, presenting an interface for Maximum Covariance Analysis in xarray. In contrast, pyEOF is tailored for Varimax-rotated EOF analysis but is restricted to 2D (pandas) input data. While all these tools are useful in their specific realms, they possess limitations. xeofs aspires to present a more general toolkit for dimensionality reduction techniques.





xarray Interface

Dask Support


Only 1D sample dim

2D input only

Only 1D sample dim

Missing Values

Support for xr.Dataset


Randomized SVD

Full SVD

Randomized SVD

Full SVD

Extensible Code Structure



1Note on the algorithm: The computational burden of a full SVD decomposition for an m x n matrix is O(min(mn², m²n)). However, the randomized SVD, which identifies only the initial k singular values, notably curtails this complexity to O(m n log(k)), making the randomized SVD, as utilized by xeofs, more suitable for expansive datasets. For an in-depth exploration, refer to the `sklearn docs on PCA`_.